
Explain Two Reasons Why Athletes Should Not Take Political Stands

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1. The first reason why professional athletes should take political stands is because it brings attention in a more upfront way then I would make. Professional athletes have a greater moral obligation to stand up then they are actually given. ““Why wouldn’t he speak out about politics? He’s educating himself on an issue, he’s trying to bring attention to something that’s important. What does his job have anything to do with that? We are citizens…”” (Waldron). The second reason is the courage/action they are bringing. Carlos and Smith stood up for what they believed in even when things were tough, and although they were kicked out and stripped of their medals they did it for something they believed in. “"I went up there as a dignified black man and said: ‘What's going on is wrong,' " Carlos says. Their protest, Smith says, "was a cry for freedom and for human rights. We had to be seen because we couldn't be heard."” (Davis). 2. …show more content…

The first reason why professional athletes should not take political stands is because its tears the country into those who agree and those who disagree. In the case of Curt Schilling, his outspoken political views haven’t allowed him to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame though he was a great pitcher. The second reason why athletes shouldn’t take political stands is because it can harm their career or future in that sport (i.e. hall of fame induction), if they don’t have the public opinion on their side. For Smith and Carlos, their careers were harmed and nothing good came out of it at the time until now when people are beginning to praise them for their courage for standing

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