Explain What Crime Should Take Priority Over The Crime Of Burglary

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I believe when determining what crime should take greater priority to investigators, the investigators need to analyze and determine a few specifics such as was the crime violent in nature, who was endangered, and total loss, meaning loss of life, property, or assets.
In this discussion question, the crime of robber would take priority over the crime of burglary and here is why I feel this way. The crime of robbery is deemed a violent crime as per the FBI analyst data. Furthermore, according to the FBI’s statistics from 2009 as listed in the text by Orthmann and Hess, the crime of robber is the second highest most violent crime, just behind aggravated assaults. As further defined by Orthmann and Hess, robbery is a crime against a person, whereas burglary is a crime against property. The assailant(s) who commit burglaries will often try to remain unseen, unlike robberies where the assailant(s) will confront their victims. …show more content…

However, burglaries can also be quite unpredictable and the assailants can also be unpredictable and sometimes desperate. A burglar can enter into a residence they believe to be unoccupied and end up being faced with residents of the home. This can be unsettling to the burglar and can result in either flight or fight syndrome due to fear.
In conclusion, all crimes whether it be a burglary, robbery, molestation, fraud, murder, etc. have a victim or victims. It is our duty as law enforcement to serve and protect the citizens of our communities, though having that said, it is a necessity to prioritize our cases. Prioritizing our cases allows us the time to focus more immediately on cases that could result in bodily harm through force or fear and to gather as much evidence and information as physically possible to stop the threat from increasing. Cases such as fraud and property crimes do not necessarily have to be initiated

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