Explain What Skills Are The Doctors Working On With Mila In Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-What skills are the doctors working on with Mila in chapter 11? Do you think it is important for Mila to learn these skills? Why? If you were the doctors, what would you be trying to teach Mila at this point in her education? Why did you select these things? The skills Mila is learning are ease. No, she doesn't need any teaching. If I were the doctors, I tell her she can go to dolphins or go on. 12-What significant event happened in chapter 12? Describe in great detail the new house where Mila and the doctors will live. What do you think about the new living situation? What did Mila notice about her and Shay’s room? Why do you think they did this to their rooms only? They are moving. There is a big tadil, many soft charis,