Patient Communication: Consequences Of Ineffective Communication

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According to Julia Wood (2004), “communication is a systemic process in which individuals interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meanings. However, Sheppard (1993) suggests that, in the nurse–patient relationship, communication involves more than the transmission of information; it also involves transmitting feelings, recognizing these feelings and letting the patient know that their feelings have been recognized (M, 1993)”. It is a two way process. The patient conveys their fears and concerns to their nurse and helps them make a correct nursing diagnosis. An excellent communication skill between nurses and patients is essential for the successful outcome of individualized nursing care of each patient. The ability to communicate …show more content…

She must understand the doctor's instructions and the patient's concerns. Her communications skills focus on both giving and receiving information as well as creating an environment of confidence. Some consequences of ineffective communication can be chaos, confusion, disorder, fear, conflict, inefficient systems, and wasted resources (Vertino, 2014). An ineffective communication can lead to errors in patient’s misdiagnosis and even medication on admission, during hospital stay, and after discharge, and whether these errors were potentially harmful. Medication use is potentially dangerous. Polypharmacy is increasing, and makes it harder to keep track of side effects and interactions and of potentially inappropriate drug combinations. “The risk of serious consequences, hospitalization, and death due to medication errors increases with patients’ age and number of medications (Scand J Prim Health Care, 2012)”. For example, the GP is supposed to monitor the patient's regular medication, but does not always do so. Lack of monitoring and keeping track of patients’ medication use is a main cause when a patient is given inappropriate drugs. When the nurse fails to communicate successfully with patients, it costs. It costs in unnecessary pain, in avoidable deaths, in poor health outcomes and in the prolongation of …show more content…

A therapeutic nurse-patient relationship is defined as a helping relationship that's based on mutual trust and respect, the nurturing of faith and hope, being sensitive to self and others, and assisting with the gratification of your patient's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through your knowledge and skill (Pullen & Tabatha, 2010). This caring relationship develops when you and your patient come together in the moment, which results in harmony and healing. The five components of the nurse-client relationship are trust, respect, professional intimacy, empathy and power. To establish a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship, a nurse must master a few key components, including trust and respect. As a nurse, you should introduce yourself to your patients and refer to the patient by name. These seemingly small gestures display an air of friendliness, caring, and approachability, which can go a long way toward making a patient feel safe. When you maintain eye contact with a patient, you continue to foster trust and respect as your relationship progresses. It's also important to respect a patient's boundaries. Some patients feel comforted when their hand is held or they are offered a hug, while other patients may find these actions uncomfortable. Always respect differences in personality and cultures. Showing a genuine interest in the patient's life and