
Explain Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Do you wonder who is to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s death? I have an explanation on who is to blame for their deaths.The blame lies with Romeo and Juliet because they are both foolish. Some may say that Balthasar holds the most blame for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. After all, Balthasar is the one who tells Romeo Juliet is dead. This causes Romeo’s downward spiral, which ultimately results in Romeo’s death. When she discovers Romeo’s death, Juliet stabs herself. While this may be true, Romeo and Juliet themselves hold the blame for the outcome of what happens. One of the reasons why Romeo and Juliet dies is because they fall in love too quickly. When they first meet, they stare at each other, and then they start kissing. When …show more content…

Romeo did not think of what would happened if he killed Tybalt. Once Romeo killed Tybalt the Prince of Verona banished Romeo. When Romeo and Juliet fell in love, they did not think of their family fued. Both their families were having problems to begin with, they just made it worse. Juliet tells Romeo he could be killed if he were to be discovered, Romeo responds, “I have night’s cloak to hide me from their eyes, / And but thou love me, let them find me here. / My life were better ended by their hate / Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love”, Romeo means he would not be seen, but if he were to die it would be by her side. He does not think about why he should just live with her than die knowing that she loves him. Why would he want to be dead when they both love each other. They also need to think about their decisions wisely. They get married in the first week of meeting each other, not thinking of what could happen to them. As he is about to marry Romeo & Juliet, Friar Lawrence warns the couple of moving too quickly. Friar Lawrence said, “Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast.” When he said this, he meant that they are in a hurry and will turn into a disaster. What would happen if their families were to find out about this secret marriage? They probably would try to kill each other when they find

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