Explain Why College Is Important To Me Essay

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Why Is College Important to Me?

In today’s society higher education is not an option, but rather a necessity. Therefore college has become very important to me because it will help me in the future to have a better job. By going to college I can learn my strengths and weaknesses, and it will be the first step I take to become a self-sufficient independent adult. I have always enjoyed being around animals and helping them stay well. In order to be a Vet Tech, I will have to set high goals and earn my degree in order to graduate as a Vet Tech. College will help me to become a professional, become financially independent, and help animals have a better life. All my life, I have been around animals and have loved all of them. One day I was thinking about how I could work with animals and still make a living, and that was the time I decided I wanted to be a Vet Tech, as this …show more content…

Some of these animals I may see and or work with throughout their lives and therefore develop close warm relationships with the animals and their owners. These are just a few of the things I will learn and be able to perform to help animals to have a better

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