Why I Chose College Essay

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My initial instinct when considering my options for college education was to put myself in a totally new environment. I felt compelled to go out of town, or even out of state. I was not necessarily tired of where I had lived growing up, but I knew that it would be good for me to experience a new environment where I could push myself. However, as I grew into my ambitions and desires as to what I would like to do “professionally,” the scale was tipping more and more on the side of Belmont. As I aged throughout high school, I fell more and more in love with music, and my musical community, as well as a whole culture that thrives around live music, art and expression. I began by watching other people play music, and I eventually built up the …show more content…

The more people I could meet doing or having done the same thing as me was the most important thing at this time in my life. Leaving town for school would only alienate me from all the friendships I have cultivated and that are so important to me and to what I want to do. I want to grow with those who want to grow with me. All of this built up a pretty convincing case for me against college by the beginning of the admissions process. I had heavy doubts about whether I should continue my education and potentially take away from time I could be pushing myself otherwise, or skip this next step and dive head-first into going my absolute hardest to be happy doing what I love. However, I quickly realized that I can do both. I realized that continuing school would not be deterrent against pushing myself. Only I can determine how and how hard I push myself. By coming to Belmont, I would be meeting so many new people from so many different backgrounds, while still maintaining friendships I have made in my home city. I would also not only be taking classes that interest me and complement my career aspirations, but also those that will expand my overall understanding of the world, of people, of psychology and systems of the mind that I can sympathize and empathize with. I came to Belmont to double down. I came to push myself in school and acquire friendships and connections that will last for