Explain Why College Is Not For Everyone Essay

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Abraham Lincoln, our own sixteenth president once said, "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next." The concept of going to college is an important subject in most people's lives. Family members and teachers have stressed the importance of furthering your education after high school for almost your whole educational career. A university experience is extremely beneficial in this world, broadening one's horizons to endless possibilities. Statistics have been drawn that conclude college graduates are more successful than high school graduates, and even students who only have a partial college education. Financial prosperity is one of the most desirable things in the world and college can help you achieve that. For example, "Five Ways Ed Pays" revealed that college graduates will make an average of $22,000 more per year than a high school graduate. $22,000 is worth one serious congratulatory you-made-it-through-college vacation. In addition, according to "Actually, College is Very Much Worth It" unemployment rates in 2010 were 9.2% for those with a …show more content…

Whether someone wants to work in engineering or social work, a college education will provide the necessary requirements, and then some. In this case, "Why College Isn't for Everyone" suggests that students majoring in education or one of the humanities can sometimes improve their job situation by double majoring or earning a minor. Obtaining two degrees spikes employers’ interest. Similarly, "Why College Isn't for Everyone" also encourages the idea that students can benefit from the social aspects of attending a university as well as the educational ones. Becoming a socially mature individual is a goal that is paramount to accomplish before beginning your own life. This, as well as many other important characteristics one will need to become successful can be learned in