Explain Why College Is Necessary Essay

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College is Necessary In just a couple of months or years, every single one of us in this room will have to make one of the most important decisions of our lives. This decision will not only impact our future, but also the way we perceive life. The monumental decision I’m referring to is none other than college. We will all have to decide whether or not college will be the route we will be taking. Many of us will become inspired by people that have become prosperous without the help of a college degree like Michael Dell and Steve Jobs who were able to start multi-million dollar businesses, despite not having a college diploma. These extremely rare stories cause many to infer that a college degree isn't necessary. That all you really need …show more content…

A 2011 report produced by the American Community Survey, revealed that those with a bachelor's degree are expected to earn a lifetime salary of about $2.4 million dollars, while high school graduates are expected to earn a lifetime salary of $1 million dollars less. Those with a master's degree are expected to earn $2.8 million dollars over their lifetime, while those with a professional degree could expect to earn about $4 million dollars. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics of 2017, a person with a bachelor’s degree earns about $1,173 dollars per week, while a person with a high school diploma only earns about $712 dollars per week. Not only are those with just a high school diploma earning less than college graduates, but they also have a higher unemployment rate. Individuals with a bachelor’s degree have an unemployment rate of 2.5% , however, those with a high school diploma have an unemployment rate of 4.6%. While many argue that it is hard for college graduates to find a job in their field of study, unemployed graduates don’t stay unemployed for long. Many college graduates tend to secure a job during their last year of college. The remaining college graduates take an average of 3 to 9 months after graduation to find a job. In today's economy, employment options are deteriorating for those who only have a high school