A college education is critical because it provides more opportunities to make money. College graduates make more money than people who did not attend college, the article “Even with Debt College Still Pays Off” by Gillian B. White states” overall recent college grads aged 22 to 26 have earnings that are 83 percent higher than early career workers” this is showing that college is the best path and you will make the most money. According to the graph Gillion b. White said experienced graduate degree holders make a little over 80k a year, making this amount of money after college outstanding. 80k is more than enough money to live and have a happy life. According to another graph that was created by Gillian B. Recent high school graduates are only making a little over 20k, this is terrible, this is not enough money to survive, you cannot even feed your family with 20k a year. With this income, you will have to survive by using EBT and other handouts, which is …show more content…
According to “Northeastern University” College grads see 57 percent more job opportunities than non-grads” With these opportunities you will always be able to make some money and get back up on your feet if something goes wrong or this could be an easy way to find a job you would like to do for the rest of your life. According to “Bureau of Labor Statistics” they state that “A high-paying job that requires a college degree is a market research analyst and they make 96K a year.” If you want to make a lot of money like 96k a year you are going to have to go to college and this is just one job that makes a lot of money there are a bunch of jobs. According to “kiplinger.com” it states “there are very low-paying jobs that don't require a degree like an embalmer”. Nobody wants to have a low-paying job that's terrible, you have to go to college if you want to be successful and have a job you love, an embalmer has to work with stinky dead people and nobody wants to do