Explain Why Some Experts Throughout Time Experience Disagreements With One Another In Their Own Discipline

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Topic #5 Experts throughout time experience disagreements with one another in their own discipline. Though this can lead to arguments within the community, this can lead to a justification as to why some experts agree on certain sections while others disagree. Why is there disagreements within the same discipline? One example can be found dealing with the death penalty which is a highly controversial topic that have been debated for centuries and to this day still exist. The situation deals with a human life on the line. One side of experts agreeing to the terms of the death penalty because of the crimes against the law while other experts think otherwise towards the situation. With these same facts given experts, how is it possible that there can be disagreement between experts in a discipline? A possibility that experts disagree with each other in a certain discipline can be based upon natural sciences. Experts can be raised in a different culture who follows different methods of proving a fact that can be based on their belief. Creationism is a prime example of this. Scientist disagree with each other on how the world began based on their perception and culture. The traditions from where these experts are brought …show more content…

Experts in this case need to disagree in order for these facts to be understood as to why it is a given fact. I remember in my psychology class we were discussing about the process of the eye. How someone's senses can be altered into their reality as a fact which in this case is color blindness. Though we may see the main primary colors in our perception but to those who are colorblind may not even see the color red as we do. Experts in this profession might disagree to seeing red because of the lack of cones. This is due to people might not even notice that they are colorblind and give it based on their

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