Explain Why Teenagers Should Get Their License At The Age Of Drinking Age To 18 Essay

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Numerous teens across the state of Indiana wake up each morning with their minds swirling with thoughts. Teens have to eat a hearty breakfast to get them through the day, rummage through clothes just to find the right thing to wear, and make sure they have everything in their school bag among other things. Teens must do all of these things while still making sure they have time to get out to the bus stop on time. If teens could acquire their license at the age of 15 it would certainly reduce the stress in the mornings as they would not have to rush so much to be on time for school. Teens need to obtain their license at the age of 15 due to the fact of the amount of teens getting jobs is increasing. The percentage of teens that held a job in 2015 skyrocketed to 41%, the highest it has been in six years. With teens getting jobs at the age of 15, but cannot get their license until age 16, they have to rely on another person for a form of transportation. Not only does this put more stress on parents as they have to try and find rides to and from work for their children. But also puts stress on the teens themselves as they have to worry about a chance of their transportation not making …show more content…

45% of teenage drivers have admitted to texting and driving, but the adults have an even worse percentage. According to the article “Adults worse than teens about texting behind the wheel” on USA Today, half of all adult drivers have admitted to texting behind the wheel. “Teens text. But you 're looking at around 10 million teen drivers, but about 180 million other adult drivers.” this quote from John Ulczycki of the National Safety Council says it all. Texting and driving is the most dangerous form of distraction behind the wheel, but the observers are incorrect when they say the teens are the most dangerous beings on the