Explain Why Was Cuba A Different Type Of Russian Revolution

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Question 2: Why was Cuba different type of revolution from the classical revolutions of France and Russia? Before answering the question, let’s look at the the word ‘revolution’ first. Revolution is a fundamental change in political power or structures, which demands a whole change in the base of society, such as overthrowing the old systems and setting the new ones instead. Normally, people will rise up because they desire for significant economic, social, and political change. People normally seek for revolution during the times of overall economic growth but with perceived stasis or downturn. Due to the fact that the government or state face with budget deficits and cannot find their way to raise funds, sequentially the government will impose excessively high taxes. By doing this way, the group that will suffer the most are peasants and ordinary people, which consecutively makes people feel prejudiced and unfair and leads to class antagonisms. People feel that only a particular group or class has an access to …show more content…

Moreover, it became a playground, casino, and brothel for US imperialism, while the majority of ordinary Cubans lived under a dreadful condition. They barely felt the real sense of democracy or the rights. After the revolution, in 1959, it seemed that it would be impossible for Washington and Havana to maintain a good relationship. The Cuban government reported that 50-60% of casino profits would go to welfare programs. Estates were seized and changed into state farms. Even though the Cuban government proffered to confer about compensation for US owned farms and mineral properties, USA turned down the offer. Besides, US tried to do everything to suppress the revolution such as economic sabotage, bacteriological warfare, the economic blockage, and assassination plots. Despite these unceasingly pressure, it did not change the mind of Cuban