Explaining A Play-Based Environment

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In this journal article, the main topic that the author focuses on is how a play-based environment has a great importance on a child’s growth through their physical and mental health, cognitive development, language and early literacy development, and their social competence (Stegelin, 2005). Stegelin (2005, p. 78) proposes that “play requires specific conditions of safety and psychological security, exploratory behaviours, evolutionary behaviour, and behaviour that sustains the healthy development of the individual” that allows play to be a part of the development of a child through to their primary years. Stegelin claims that active play involves many positive aspects to a child’s physical, mental, emotional, and social development
through …show more content…

A play-based environment can involve the literacy aspect of a child’s learning. 3. Stegelin supports her ideas with the evidence that is provided on page 76 called
‘Explaining a Literacy Approach to a Family’, about a veteran child care director named Ms. Ruhnquist who explains that we can’t expect a child to learn certain areas like reading in a short amount of time, but to allow them to experience different aspects of learning on their own by being able to pick up a book and having a look at it while also gaining confidence in their own capabilities of what they do without the help of an adult. Stegelin provides this in order to detail the idea on how play is based on the exploration of children and their world while also opening up various opportunities to explore in different ways. It is known that adults may not expect play to be a learning aspect in a child’s life, but to be some free time in their daily activities. The evidence that is provided on page 77 called ‘Defending Learning
Centers to the Assistant Principal’, allows the audience to have a deeper understanding of why play is so important rather than having to do seat work all the time to enhance a child’s learning capabilities. It is proved that the key to …show more content…

(Hartup & Moore 1990; Ladd & Profilet; 1996) studies accumulates that adaptation is caused by a child being able to explore and create relationships through a play-based environment socially and emotionally, cognitively, and academically.
The evidence that has been provided by Stegelin, has been effectively distributed throughout the entire journal article to enable the audience view different ideas on the same topic.
4. Throughout this module, it has been discussed in various areas in early childhood that the aspects of how a child can gain learning experiences through play-based environments is explained through the lectures, and also through the unit readings.
The information that has been provided in the article relates to the ideas and concepts that have been provided in the first lecture, as it has been stated that play is not only enjoyable for a child, but is also educational and symbolic. Play is defined as being a developmental process in which a child processes through the way they react to certain ideas or objects throughout their play (Touhill, 2015). As Stegelin mentioned that play is about the child’s learning and also being able to use as an