How Do International Perspectives Influence Play And Learning

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Within this piece of work I will be focusing on how international perspectives has influenced children and young people's play and learning. There are a variety of different international perspectives that the Welsh Government has adapted and developed into current framework such as the Foundation Phase. In recent years the Welsh Assembly Government has developed many different policies based on the importance of play. Sited in Wood, 2013, P45 it states that "successive attempts to capture play within policy frameworks have produced versions of educational play, which can be seen across UK and international policy contexts". In this piece of work I will be exploring two main key issues in relation to the theme of play and learning. The first key issue is curriculum. Curriculum has a large impact on children’ play and learning as it is created by the Government as a guideline for practitioners to …show more content…

A set curriculum allows practitioners to teach children the required information to progress through school. In Wales the curriculum for children aged to three to seven is the Foundation Phase. The Foundation Phase was put in place in 2008 after the Welsh Government decided to develop a play policy in 2002. This policy is built up of principles that anyone who works with children needs to adjure to. These principles described the importance of play and the responsibility of the practitioner in terms of implementing the provision. This policy aimed to demonstrate the Welsh Government’s intention to implement the UNCRC article 31 by contributing to the development of environments that foster the child’s need for play. (Welsh Assembly Government, 2002) Article 31 states that “Children have the right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of cultural, artistic and other