Understand The Importance Of Play For Children

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To answer this question we must first understand the importance of play. If we understand, on the most basic level, that play is essential for a child to have a good health and wellbeing. Then it could be concluded that outdoor play needs to be considered as an important component of education and care. Outdoor play has recently been included in the early year’s framework across the UK. The Statutory Framework for early year’s foundation stage in England now includes an expectation that young children will be offered good quality outdoor environments in order to support their 6 areas of development such as; physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual language, and social. In this essay, I would be exploring how playgrounds can contribute to learning and development for children aged between 0 to 8 years. I …show more content…

Whilst, observing Avery hill playground I notices that it was surrounded by a lot of nature such as; grass, plants and trees. It could be argued that as the weather and seasons change children would become more curious to see how the world around them continues to evolve as time progressives. As a result this would encourage young children to develop their observation and attention skills. Furthermore, Children would be able to improve their sensory as they would be able to feel the wind upon their face, and feel the different textures of the equipment provided. Similarly, If children between the ages of 0 to 8 years old are given the opportunity to play n large equipment such as a climbing frame or a jungle gym this could help children to develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination aswell as increase their physical ability. By providing young children with equipment such an jungle gym can allow children to increase fitness, improve attitudes and support learning as Physical activity increases the flow of blood to the brain and thereby benefits brain