
Describe The Elements Of An Enabling Environment

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In an enabling environments there is many characteristics that help the EYP to safeguard the children within there early years setting. There is three main elements to an enabling environment, key person, outdoor and indoor. All their characteristics help to create a safe enabling environment for the children however they do have their weaknesses.
Firstly the key person. The characteristics of a key person create the enabling environment and the safe atmosphere within the setting that settle the children. As the key person it’s your duty to make the child feel at ease so that they feel like they can explore and learn from the setting. Therefore the environment becomes enabling as it aids the children’s growth and learning. Also by letting the children develop and explore it allows …show more content…

At my own setting we take many precautions to ensure the outdoor space is safe and enabling for all children as it is accessible for all children, including SEN. This is a good characteristic for an outdoor space to have as it means all children have the opportunities. At all times there is members of staff observing in order to prevent or deal with incidents and all equipment is checked before the children use it. The gate must always be shut and when wet the children aren’t allowed on the field in case they slip. However, in an outdoor environment many aspects are uncontrollable or unpredictable. This creates the aspect of risk that children need to learn about danger, but can also be a weakness of this environment. “Many playgrounds lack the challenge of wildness and freedom” (The outdoor classroom second addition 2017). The lack of freedom makes the child’s play very narrow minded in order to protect and they don’t often learn the real dangers of the world. This can damage the child’s physical and mental development. However, by producing the right amount of safety with risk the balance should be right and create the perfect enabling

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