Essay On Recess

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Every child should have the chance to play recess and it should be included in the school schedule. Recess is a significant part of school, but some places have eliminated recess. They feel that recess is a waste of time. Kids should have the choice if they want to play recess, and it should not be restricted by others. Schools should include recess because recess facilitates learning, and gives children time to relax and unwind. Recess can also be beneficial to cognitive functions in the brain. With these reasons in mind, recess fosters well-rounded students.

One reason is that recess facilitates learning. Many children stay up late doing homework because they have many extracurricular activities during the school day. According to Achieve …show more content…

a benefit of recess in school is that it allows kids time to relax and unwind. 10-20 minutes of a break can help kids' brains take in what they have learned. Rebecca Mayes, A Prezi contributor, remarks that both children and adults learn better and faster when their efforts are distributed, rather than all at once, especially when relaxed (Mayes, 4). This conveys that when people have breaks, they have a chance to relax, helping them digest information, which can help them remember information in the future. Furthermore, Achieve 3000 states that “Some scientists think a good dose of nature acts as an antidote to information overload.” This suggests that when there is a lack of breaks, kids’ brains may be unable to process information quickly, which in turn, causes the majority of the time to be wasted because kids will not be able to retain the concepts taught to them. In other words, the time given to these children will be used as a break to give them time to understand the knowledge that they have obtained, which will increase their likelihood to hold on to information. Thus, recess has a direct effect on relaxation, which is proven to help kids retain information …show more content…

During this age, the development of the brain is crucial for the future. In the Newsela article Exercise Helps the Brain, as well as the Body, Julie Deardorff mentions that “The blood carries oxygen and feeds neural tissues, so you’re getting the benefits that come with it.” Going outside for a breath of fresh air can work wonders on your body (3). Effects such as a clearer mind are a product of just one breath outside, which is proven to enhance brain functions. In addition, “Recess offers children the opportunity to be physically active, which is not only beneficial for their physical health but also their mental health” (Bossenmeyer, 2015). This shows that without recess in your school day, you lose chances to improve children’s behavior and expand neural pathways, which will refine their brains and improve physical and mental health, preparing them for their next class. To sum up, research proves that recess improves all the skills that will help when these children grow