Persuasive Essay On School Recess

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Imagine one day you are staring at the clock waiting for it to strike noon for recess time. It feels like it has been hours since you woke up but you're almost there. Only one more minute before it's time for you to run outside and jump around the playground equipment. As the clock hand is inching closer and closer to time you hear your teacher say that recess is canceled. You look around and everyone faces drop when they hear the news. This has happened in many schools around the world. Places where recess used to be a daily part of the schedule but educators began to believe it was unimportant. There are so many reasons why schools should make recess a requirement to all students. Playing outside reduces obesity rates, decreases stress levels, …show more content…

The article “The Value Of School Recess and Outdoor Play” mentioned in the paragraph above also says that “Outdoor play decreases restlessness and children can work out their emotions while playing. It is important that kids can work out their emotions in order to focus during class time. Everyone knows how it feels when you have been working for hours upon hours and it feels like you are getting nowhere. Recess would be a good time for kids to be able to wind down and resolve their problems so that there is nothing in their mind when they are back in the classroom. Academics are the first priority and that is only able to be focused on when there is nothing else for the children to stress about during class. Schools should implement recess into their daily routines so that kids will have a better time …show more content…

In the article “The Value of Schools Recess and Outdoor Play” the author writes that “during recess the children learn about cooperating, helping, sharing, and solving problems.” There are many things that school doesn't teach that are required in the school world and social settings. Some of the necessary skills just can't be learned during class and are better thought during recess with interaction among the students. Recess is a great time for kids to talk to each other and learn how to interact with others. For instance if a problem arises between two students they won't have the chance to resolve it during class but recess would be a perfect time to work it out with adult supervision. On the other hand the article “Despite Benefits, Recess for many students is restricted” says that “academic requirements have ended recess time.” Some educators think that recess is a waste of the childers time when it could be better spent learning something in class. Students are not able to keep all the information that was just aimlessly flooded into their brains without time to register it. Recess gives students time to take in the information and slowly get their mind more calm so that space can clear up for more knowledge. Our schools should give students time for recess to communicate with others and develop social