Letter Idea That High Schoolers Should Get Excess Or Gym Class

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Dear Dubois Area School Board, I am writing this letter to tell you that I, as a student, would like to propose the idea that high schoolers should get recess and/or gym classes as an elective. I know we don’t really have time for recess because we have to prepare for various tests, but we can exchange PE/ gym for recess each day for about the same amount of time. According to the American University of Education Online, unstructured physical activity actually increases children's and teens' problem solving, creativity, leadership skills, negotiation skills, conflict resolution and are still getting their physical exercise. According to US News, the average child sits for 8.5 hours a day. Combine that with high-calorie foods, and weight gain …show more content…

It's the law that they need a break. The average school day at our high school starts at 7:35 and ends at 2:35. That’s 8 hours of work. The average workday for an adult is 8 hours. In Pennsylvania, employers of any person under 18 are required to give them 30 minute breaks if the minor works five or more consecutive hours. And yes, we have lunch, but that is exactly what it is, lunch. And tutoring is expected to be used for homework or tests, not to mention the fact that some students drop their tutoring, we don’t have time to run around outside or really do anything meaningful. And ok, what about electronics or phones? What about the kids who would spend their time on their phone instead? Well, I have two possible solutions. One, we have them do an exchange where they get to spend time hanging out with their friends and doing what they please within the school reason of course and they leave their phone inside. Or we simply have them do the gym instead. I am personally fighting for this change because I love nature and believe that students that don’t get to experience being a kid should get to, before they have to give it up for