Argumentative Essay: Why Do Schools Cut Recess?

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Why do schools cut recess? Because of costs? Maybe security issues? Whatever the reason, schools are cutting recess from their schedules. Students need to have recess in the school days because it helps students focus better, get their exercise, and receive the nutrients they need. Recess helps students learn better, and reduce stress levels. An article by “Pathways to Family Wellness” says that, “Recess reduces stress by allowing kids to get out of the structured classroom environment, and to clear their minds of any stress that was built up already during the day.” Students do not get enough down time during the day, and with the homework being piled up, they do not have time for themselves. Recess also helps to develop social skills, …show more content…

We get 90% of our vitamin D from the sun, and vitamin D is used in our body to produce white blood cells. These cells help build immune systems, and fight infection. Sunlight also reduces levels of Melatonin, which improves focus and cognitive function, according to Recess helps students get the exercise they need. states that teens need to have about 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise. With the rise in required homework, students are not getting the exercise they need. Recess is a good time to take a break and get moving during the day. According to another article by Choose my, 1 in every 3 kids in the United States is obese. Recess helps reduce that number by giving kids the exercise they need. Some people do not agree with having daily outdoor recess because it takes away from time in class to learn and study. They say it also increases the risk of bullying. This may be true, but having recess has a more positive effect than negative on students. Supervised recess would not be a bigger source of bullying than the hallway or bathroom. Although recess does take away from class time, students do better in class. In a study by Georgia State University, 43 students were tested. It was proven that on the days they had recess, the students were less fidgety and more on task. This means that students paid better attention and absorbed more