The Importance Of Recess In Middle School

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Everyday, kids around the world get to run outside and play, but middle schoolers don’t get to. They have to sit inside and work really hard. Middle schoolers need recess. They need recess because it helps them concentrate during class, it helps stop childhood obesity, and it helps them feel accepted.

In this paragraph, it will show how recess helps kids concentrate during class. Their brains need to be active to work to their full potential. One piece of evidence is outside activity engages the brain. Due to advances in brain study, scientists know most of the brain is most active during activities—way more than sitting. Movement enlarges the captivity of blood vessels in the brain. This speeds up the transfer of oxygen, water, and glucose, …show more content…

Kids gain weight from just sitting around and doing nothing. Kids these days sit in school and get no exercise and at home, they just sit on electronics and do nothing. One piece of evidence is exercise is good. Many kids deal with obesity, but even kids at good weight levels gain from activity, and need it for good health. The outdoors is the best for children to lose weight, practice physical skills and get the pure happiness of movement. (Pica) Kids lose weight from running around and exercising. They lose weight from just being active. Kids need time for recess. It helps them stay active and healthy. Another piece of evidence is childhood obesity is a huge problem and a health concern for parents, says the American Heart Association. 1 in 3 kids is obese, which is 3 times bigger than in 1963. Recess gives kids time to get out of their seats and get active. (Drinkworth) Recess is one of the only times kids get to run around and stay active. Having recess for just a little bit can make a big difference in a kids health. The last piece of evidence is in addition to the mental pause, recess shows to be the most effective way to get kids active. A study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation shows that 42 percent of the nation's students get most of their total daily exercise at recess—more than do so in gym or after-school programs. For sure, in light of America's childhood-obesity problem (17 percent of kids between 2 and 19 are obese), participating in recess is one of the few inexpensive, readily available opportunities we have to get kids moving. (Millner) If kids can’t have recess, they will become overweight and be more immune to