Exploitation In Animal Farm

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The pigs on the farm do not hesitate on doing things that would be to their advantage, no matter what the collateral damage is. Orwell details what was done by the pigs in order for them to obtain their alcohol, “No one stirred in the farmhouse before noon on the following day, and the word went around that from somewhere or other the pigs had acquired the money to buy themselves another case of whiskey.” (Orwell Animal Farm 126). Boxer is the strongest animal on the farm, yet he is seen as inferior by the pigs who order him around all day so that the farm can be better than the neighboring farms. Napoleon viewed Boxer, the horse, as a threat to his power over the other animals, and wanted him out of the picture. When Boxer overworks himself, …show more content…

He demonstrates that the ones who hold most power in a community are the ones to blame for the chaos and problems in that specific society. The “selfish” are those who will deceive others in order to benefit themselves, without feeling guilt, such as Napoleon. Napoleon, the head pig on the farm “recreates a sort of class system” which the animals had finally overthrown after the humans left, resulting in a developing feeling of resent by the other animals on the farm. “Exploitation” is an important aspect that is incorporated in the narrative, which reveals the moral corruptions of the hierarchical pigs, which eventually allows them to achieve their goal of superiority and power. Alldritt shows how it is natural for someone to betray someone else, if they do not feel the shame in doing it. Napoleon and the pigs are selfish enough to disregard their animalistic views that they initially had, causing them to act quickly in order to stand highest in the class system they created in a place where it was never wanted to be brought back. If the superiors in society didn’t hold such an egocentric persona, betrayal would be avoidable in all aspects of