Exploring The Cultural Identity Of The Classroom

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Globalization is worldwide in which regions; countries; societies; cultures; and communities are connected through a global network of ideas, media, communication, transportation, work, and trade (Choy 2012). Through globalization the typical school environment has changed. Typical school environments now have students and teachers, who speak different languages; have different cultural/ethic backgrounds; and have different philosophical/ religious orientations. Not only has the cultural identity of the classroom changed, but also so did the access to a range of technology, material goods, and education policy.

Australian classrooms, like that of the world, hold truth to the notion of globalization. It is something educators, support staff, students, and parents will see and experience within the classroom. It is however, the teacher and school responsibility to embrace the diversity and allow for equal respect and understanding for the background and circumstances of all leaners (Powell & Powell 2010). As knowledge is fundamental to globalization (Carnoy & Rhoten 2002) it becomes the responsibility of an educator to develop their cultural competence and be better …show more content…

It becomes the role of the educator to adapt his or her pedagogies and sustain a harmonious, but inclusive, environment for the benefit of all students learning (Peterson & Warwick 2015). It truth it becomes the teachers responsibility to recognise and celebrate the benefits and experiences that the greater diversity brings (Peterson & Warwick 2015). Ideally schools and teachers teach students about globalization in meaningful ways that enable inclusivity within the school environment (Peterson & Warwick

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