Roles And Responsibilities Of An Extension Agent

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Setting up district shooting matches, making sure the arena is available for horse events, educating farmers on wheat growth, traveling around the state for meetings and certifications. Does this sound like a job with numerous responsibilities? These are just a few of the jobs an extension agent may encounter on a daily basis. Extension agents assess the needs of the county they work for. Based on these needs a number of educational programs will be set up to assist the community. Many of these programs are for adults as well as youth in the area. According to H.C Sanders, “Efforts for more efficient farms, better homes, higher incomes, and standards of living, increasing the technical knowledge of rural people, continue to form the basic core …show more content…

There are about a hundred land grant universities. The mission of these universities is to take research and education and share with the communities through extension agents. The extension agent is a professional educator that develops and delivers educational programs to assist the needs of youth and adults in a designated county or region. They no longer only work in rural areas. With the extensive growth of urban cities agents have extended their services to include programs in large cities. Therefore, they must be excellent leaders, focused, honest, devoted to the community and able to adapt to …show more content…

In the article “Extension Agents are Knowledgeable with Passion to Serve,” Miriam quotes Anna McCain, “My responsibilities are broad. I’m here to help with whatever the public needs.” An extension agent plans three to four months out and needs to be ready to switch gears from fall, winter, spring, and summer events. News of upcoming events must be publicized, using newspapers, radio, TV, scheduling meetings or sending group emails. For this reason, agents must have writing skills as well as organizational skills to communicate with the community and community leaders. In addition, they must keep their supervisors up to date with what is going on in his or her area. Agents collaborate with supervisors and other agents to set up county, district, state, and national events. When dates are set meetings will be held with each club to inform youth and adults of the upcoming events. When youth advance to national events the extension agent will aid in finding funds for the family. These funds will be used to assist the family with the high cost of attending the national event. As the season ends for events, meetings with local volunteers and

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