Zeta Kappa Gamm Case Study

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Jan. xx, 2017 Dear Zeta Kappa Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma: In the 33 years Zeta Kappa Chapter has represented Kappa Kappa Gamma on the campus of Bowling Green State University, there have been obstacles and triumphs. We have certainly seen tremendous growth since your founding in 1983. Reflecting upon the past several years, however, there have been some challenges within the chapter that have been difficult to overcome. As a result, I have decided to place the chapter on a focus letter. A focus letter is delivered in an effort to support chapter officers, advisers and general membership in ensuring that chapter members follow and adhere to Kappa standards. The purpose of a focus letter is to create a framework to help guide the forward …show more content…

Minutes are to be submitted weekly through KeyReports. Minutes will continue to be sent to chapter members and advisers in a timely manner. • Successful chapters know where their dues are being spent. To enable chapter members to understand chapter finances, the Treasurer will update the membership about funds received, what is being paid and the overall status of the chapter finance each month. The Treasurer will also present the annual budget to the chapter by the end of April for 2017–2018 chapter finances. These presentations will be reflected in the chapter meeting minutes. • The new member program is crucial to building a strong membership and future leaders in the chapter. The program must adhere to the guidelines listed in the New Member Experience Guidebook and must follow all Fraternity policies and Panhellenic policies. The New Member Chairman will educate the chapter about those policies and will reinforce the fact that men and alcohol have no place in the new member program. In addition, any and all new member gifts much be included in the chapter budget. • Each officer will reach out to her respective Content Specialist once per month with updates of her accomplishments and upcoming …show more content…

However, the chapter is at a crossroads. We expect that all guidelines will be met and all membership expectations will be adhered to. We, as Kappas, must continue to support all that is good and true and beautiful, and we must put aside behaviors and actions that are not in alignment with Fraternity values. The Fraternity is committed to holding members and chapters accountable. Each officer, chairman, and chapter member must take responsibility for the terms of this focus letter. It is imperative that members of Zeta Kappa Chapter work together to adhere to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Bylaws, Standing Rules and Policies, and move the chapter in a positive direction. To help you accomplish these steps, the Fraternity is ready to provide the assistance and support you need. I have great confidence in your ability to meet and exceed these expectations. I encourage you to ask questions, anticipate obstacles and keep us informed. My purpose as your District Director is to offer a clear direction combined with guidance about the steps needed to get there from the Content Specialists. There is nothing extra being asked of the chapter outside of additional visits, which are provided as a resource. The other areas are operational expectations of every