External Stakeholders Of The Kroger Company

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Stakeholders (AH) Stakeholders are individuals or companies that hold an interest in a company. Stakeholders have a primary interest in the company and the performance of said company. Stakeholders are involved in two groups, internal and external. Kroger’s top stakeholders for the internal group include individuals as major direct stakeholders, institutional stakeholders, and mutual fund stakeholders. External stakeholders are the individuals that have an interest in the company, without these stakeholders the company would not have a business. The two groups work together to achieve success of the business and their revenues. Internal Internal stakeholders are individuals that make up the company in full. Employees, managers, and board …show more content…

Kroger employs around 400,000 individuals. Kroger trains their associates to utilize the “Customer First Strategy”. The strategy began over twelve years prior. In 2014, COO Mike Ellis expressed in an article, published by Retail Info Systems News, the concern and connection with the customers of Kroger are of most importance to the company. Ellis also added, with low price points the company is able to gain customer loyalty and give the customer a “great experience” every time they shop (Giannopoulos). Kroger believes the Customer First Strategy aids in the company’s continuation of growth year to …show more content…

Kroger states they are a “locally-connected” to the communities which it serves. Kroger gives back to the communities it serves in. In 2014 Kroger gave back over 280 million to all of the communities that the company serves (10-K. Kroger Co.). Kroger establishes ways to donate, deliver, contribute, and support the local communities that support them through the years. Kroger delivers to local food banks in the community. The company donates for ongoing awareness to be spread for different health concerns. Kroger contributes to military families. In 2010 Kroger gave the largest contribution the USO has ever received (10-K. Kroger Co.). Kroger also supports the schools and local organizations made up by the individuals who are their largest contributor for