What Are The Disadvantages Of Stakeholder Activism

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1: INTRODUCTION Inspire Joburg is an organisation that aims to tackle the issue of the lack of community service within the communities of Johannesburg. Stakeholder activism is the act of standing up against or standing up for a given cause that you are a stakeholder of. Examples include; boycotts, riots or in this case raising the voices of the able to speak for and improve the lives of the unable and disadvantaged. When stakeholders move from a given stakeholder behaviour to stakeholder activist behaviour; the beneficiaries are not limited. When a person or group acts up or stands up for a cause for the benefit of the community, they benefit because they are fulfilling their social responsibility in their community. The obvious beneficiaries …show more content…

2: IDENTIFIED AND EXPLAINED STAKEHOLDERS The organisation not only consists of stakeholder activists but also cultivates activists and in that way encourages people to become stakeholder activists and support the cause at hand, in this way their social responsibilities are being fulfilled and those in need are benefiting. The issue is not solely single consumer based and thus does not solely benefit single stakeholders but benefits people in groups, organisation and those receiving community services. Stakeholders of the lack of community service are as follows; the community itself, CEOs of organisations looking to improve their CSRs, community service awareness campaigns, organisation (Inspire Joburg) as a whole, media, employees of organisations involved in community service and lastly shareholders. Citizens of Johannesburg are stakeholders in this cause because citizens both include those who are subject to unfavourable living conditions and those who will better and …show more content…

The receivers of the community service are dependent on those who do have power to assist them and enforce their will on the organisation. Community service receivers lack the resources to impose their will and make a difference; however when they make use of stakeholders who do poses power they become dangerous. 7: Definitive stakeholders are the most influential and impactful stakeholders because they poses all three stakeholder characteristics, power, urgency and legitimacy. These stakeholders are the most important and should always be communicated with in order to achieve stakeholder salience. Shareholders are stakeholders of an organisation who hold payed-for shares of the organisation and therefore have a say in the organisation if they realise that their legitimate and urgent claims are not being dealt with and will follow to utilise the power they poses to enforce their

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