Head Games Documentary Techniques

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In the documentary component Head Games, previous WWE wrestler and Harvard football player Christopher Nowinski says that playing his dearest games was the "closest thing to being a warrior without going to war." The main purpose of this documentary is to talk about chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) it is known as concussion. Concussion is an injury to the brain that is caused by something hitting the head very hard. The techniques used in this documentary are voice over, music and sound effects, interviews, reenactments, montage, and also actuality. Voice over is used in this documentary to either support a fact said or to explain in details or more easily to understand for the viewer. An example will be when the doctors are cutting …show more content…

A sad mood is used to make the viewer feel sad and emotional. Interviews are used sometimes to answer questions asked by the filmmaker, it also used to give more information about a fact. Interviews are usually taken in the place where person asked works and he/she is wearing is usual dress to go to work. It is to convince the viewer that the person that is interviewed shows that she/he knows what they’re talking about. An example will be when doctors are interviewed to talk about concussion and the interview is taken is their office and they look like they are working. Graphics are used by the doctors for an example to show the results or information founded with the brains that they cut to how concussion is or represented. Reenactment is used to kind of recreate real events that cannot be filmed as they happen. In the documentary this techniques is used to recreate games that were not filmed so they recreated it. Montage is used to take some short shots that are edited together. In this documentary some shots like newspaper, picture of a football, and picture of him young are edited together to make a …show more content…

But whereas the book just enveloped blackouts in football on the grounds that it was the game the writer was advised with, the narrative branches out to incorporate different games too, including hockey, soccer and lacrosse. The film interfaces the suicide of various games players, including previous Philadelphia Eagles player. Andre Waters and a 21­year old University of Pennsylvania understudy to a degenerative mind illness known as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopaty (CTE) that originates from blackouts. The film makes an incredible showing of utilizing design to demonstrate precisely how a blackout is brought on, what it would seem that and what it does. The issue of this documentary is that football players are in danger it was proved by the doctors and scientist that concussion is a really big thing in NFL and it has to be solved or