
Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close Theme Essay

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How would you deal with losing very important people in your life and traumatic experiences you can never forget? Extremely Loud and Incredibly close by Jonathan Safran- Foer is about a nine-year-old boy who losses his dad to 9/11 and finds a key he tries to find answers about. The story also deals with the Dresden bombing and how they dealt with it. All the characters experience very traumatic experiences throughout the book. In Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran-Foer, there are 3 major motifs that have three major themes throughout the book. The three motifs that occur frequently throughout the book are Oskar‘s inventions, the key, and the grandfather’s letters. The themes they represent are coping with trauma, closure, …show more content…

Oskar went into his dad’s closet a couple of weeks after his dad died and he found a vase. The vase broke into small pieces and there was a key and envelope inside it. The letter was signed by Black. He went to the art supply store and locksmith to find out more information. He found a little of Blacks who live in New York and traveled to them to find more information about the key. “didn't know what to say. I found it and now I can stop looking? I found it and it had nothing to do with Dad? I found it and now I'll wear heavy boots for the rest of my life?"I wish I hadn't found it." "It wasn't what you were looking for?"That's not it." "Then what?" "I found it and now I can't look for it." I could tell he didn't understand me. "Looking for it let me stay close to him for a little while longer." "But won't you always be close to him?" I knew the truth. "No."(303-304). After finding out that the key belonged to William Black and his dad left it for him a lock box in the bank but William did not read his letter and sold the vase to Oskars dad. Oskar was disappointed and angry that the key and lock had nothing to do with his dad. He wished he did never found the key because angry he did not find the answer he was looking for. The mission helped him stay connected and close to his dad he did not want …show more content…

The grandpa left grandma after she revealed that she is pregnant. Because he did not have the same experience he had with Anna and their baby. Anna tells him that she is pregnant on the day of the Dresden bombing, him being ecstatic and losing them both and everything changes in a couple of hours. Grandpa wrote his unborn child and child letters but never sent them. “When your mother found me in the bakery on Broadway, I wanted to tell her everything, maybe if I'd been able to, we could have-lived differently, maybe I'd be there with you now instead of here. Maybe if I had said, "Lost a baby," if I'd said, "I'm so afraid of losing something I love that I refuse to love anything,'' maybe that would have made the impossible possible. Maybe, but I couldn't do it, I had buried too much too deeply inside me. And here I am, instead of there. Fm sitting in this library, thousands of miles from my life, writing another letter, I know I won't be able to send, no matter how hard I try and how much I want to. How did that boy making love behind that shed become this man writing this letter at this table? I love you,Your father”(217). The grandpa and grandma met in a bakery in New York after a long time and soon after got married. He wanted to tell her what happened and thought if he did they could had a different kind of life. He thought if he had mentioned that Anna was pregnant and afraid of losing a child again. But

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