A Brief Summary Of Module 8 And Verses 1-9

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In summary, the whole chapter was divided into parts, as follows:
Verses 1 - 3 - manifest God’s greatness and it is good to ascribe God-self. Music and instruments are the best ways to give tribute to the Lord God.
Verses 4 - 6 - describe God’s good work and loving thoughts. God’s good works bring joy and happiness. Only insane people could not be able to see the greatness of God.
Verses 7 - 9 - express the mighty act and power of God; no matter how strong the enemies are, God will destroy them.
Verses 10 - 15 - tell that God had made the Psalmist strong just as God is strong. God enables him to over throw his enemies; for God will reward the faithful. The …show more content…

Have the children pass an object around the room as they sing. Randomly stop the music. Whoever is holding the object should answer the given question. This will keep everyone thinking of an answer they might share.

Introduction of New Lesson
Write on the board or paper the title of the lesson – “God, our Sustainer”. Ask the children to suggest words or ideas that come to their minds as they think about the statement - “God, our Sustainer”. Allow each learner to suggest at least one word or idea. List down all the suggested words or ideas for discussion and sharing, later on. Or do…

Picture It
Ask the learner to draw a picture of God, the Great Provider, as they imagine God, the Great Provider. Around the picture, encourage them to write their needs, which they strongly believe, God has provided. After their work, allow the learners to share what they have drawn.

Learning Time
a) Discovering the Biblical