Azariah Summary Chapter 8

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It is a normal Tuesday morning, Azariah is awake. He looks up and sees the stars dancing in the sky as he smiles. He thinks it is too early, the sun is not even up even though watching the sunrise is something he truly enjoys, he decides that for once he can give in and sleep maybe for a few more minutes. As soon as he is snoozing of, he hears it. Briar just arrived. -Wakey wakey, time for class – Briar screams -there is no rest for the wicked- -Maybe you should look for another joke- Azariah says he starts putting on his shoes. Finally, they start on their path to school, as always Briar tries to make a run out of it. Azariah smiles and chooses to run with him. In fact, he decides to enjoy the view, unlike Briar he runs in order to have fun, also he knows they should really hurry if they want to arrive to class. As they show up they realize everyone is already there. Today is important, last day of school, after all their training, time in school, they get to finish their …show more content…

As the party goes on Azariah gets less and less excited. He knows this is important, he just can not lose the weird vibe he is feeling. Just as he is going to leave the party, he sees her. She is sitting next to a tree, smiling as if the world was hers. He decides to make contact. Just as he is getting closer, she turns around and looks at him with a glare that can only mean she knows for how long he has been starring at her, he stills decides to walk up to her. He sits next to her and asks her – do you know what happens after the bond? – she sighs – I wish – The weird thing about the whole training is they actually never told them how to bond, they told them how they were supposed to help each other, how the only way they could survive was together. However, as Azariah is sitting there he realizes just how much they did not tell