
F Scott Fitzgerald Biography

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F. Scott Fitzgerald is a american writer. He is known for writing about the jazz age. His work is worldwide. He is known for writing novels and short stories. F. Scott Fitzgerald continues to be one of the greatest standouts of American literature including, equal parts celebrity, dreamer, and writer. F. Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24th 1896, in St. Paul Minnesota. Fitzgerald, dad Edward Fitzgerald was an unsuccessful businessman. Since his family was unsuccessful he moved them to New York in 1898. Fitzgerald mother, Mollie Mcquillan Fitzgerald family was Irish and was very successful. Fitzgerald went to St. Paul academy, where he attended school. Fitzgerald went on Princeton University, whose triangle club had a musical …show more content…

While he was in the military, Zelda would not accept them to marry unless he come home from the military and support her. In 1920 Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald got married. The same year they got married his first novel “This Side of Paradise” was published. The first two years of marriage with wild parties, the self destructive mood of which formed scenes in “The Beautiful and Damned”. The couple moved from New York, St. Paul, France, North Carolina, Hollywood, and Delaware. In St. Paul, their daughter Scottie Fitzgerald was born in 1921. Zelda Fitzgerald suffered from mental illness throughout her life causing many problems for the couple. Fitzgerald critical opinions went public domain when he published essay in the 1930’s. Then in 1937 Zelda Fitzgerald was admitted to a mental hospital in North Carolina. While she was there fitzgerald went on to make money writing screenplays. During the postwar period, Scott Fitzgerald remained the steady performer and most entertained on novels and short stories. Edwin Clark said that “This Side of Paradise” is what become his philosopher. Scott and Zelda made a porter on the Jazz age and it explained himself really …show more content…

Set in the 1920’s New York, “The Great Gatsby” is a story about the American dream and how it can corrupt your life. “The Great Gatsby” was held place during the jazz age in the novel.
The novel “The Beautiful and Dammned” is about a couple through live and marrige. To see there love for each other is bitter. There love is not sweet it is bitter.
The novel “Tender is the Night” is written about a beautiful 18 year old american attress. She is on a trip with her mother in French Riveria. She meet many new people and then falls to pieces as the trip goes on.
The novel “This side of Paradise” is written about a boys childhood who grew up in wealth. He goes to a cathlic church. From there he goes to to live his life not as good as his child hood went when he was wealthy has a child.
“The last Tycon is a novel written about a woman taking a vacation to California to get away from college. She meets a man a women and father. After the plane lands and goes on to find out that the man stayed behind and committed sucide.
Fitzgerald had a heart attack while working on the unfinished novel “The Last Tycon” on December 21, 1940. The years went on after he passed away. Then eight years later Zelda Fitzgerald died in a

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