Facial Action Lending System Essay

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Chapter 2 Facial Action Coding System (FACS) 2.1 What is Facial Action Coding System? Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is the most widely used and versatile method for measuring and describing facial behaviors. Paul Ekman andWallace V. Friesen, psychologists developed the FACS in the 1970. The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) research tool is an sophisticated, internationally recog- nized, that precisely measures the entire spectrum of human facial expressions. The minutest movements of the human face , FACS remains the acclaimed and most widely used method for coding. FACS has clari ed the physiological pres- ence of emotion with very high levels of reliability. It has predicted patterns which related to deception at about 80. Determining the contraction of each facial …show more content…

FACS has played an integral part in the 7 Figure 2.1: Facial Muscles breakdown and identi cation of the various muscles. 2.2 How FACS Works? Emotional expression crosses the obstacles of age , culture, gender, religion, race, and ethnicity. A FACS coder "dissects" an observed expression. Decom- pose it into the speci c AUs which produced the movement. which represent the contraction or relaxation of one or more muscles. And Scores for a facial expression consist of the list of AUs that produced it. Asymmetry, intensity and duration can also be recorded. Example : During Smile the zygomaticus major muscle is activated, which corresponds to AU12. During Duchenne smile the orbicularis oculi muscle is activated, which corre- sponds to AU6. 8 AU Related Emotions Muscle Name 1 Inner Brow Raiser Frontalis (pars medialis) 2 Outer Brow Raiser Frontalis (pars lateralis) 4 Brow Lowerer Corrugator and Depressor supercilii 5 Upper Lid Raiser Levator palpebrae superioris 6 Cheek Raiser Orbicularis oculi (pars