Fahrenheit 451 Book Review Essay

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Zuzanna Charkowska “Fahrenheit 451” book review The main character is a fireman whose job is to burn books. With development of technology, many occupations became redundant. Due to the fact that the material used to build houses wasn’t flammable anymore, firemen lost the purpose of their jobs. So as not to waste workforce qualified in handling fire, their task was altered. From that moment, they were supposed to destroy books that were deemed inappropriate by the government. The main character is a devoted fireman and a staunch supporter of everything his occupation stand for. One day, a seemingly innocuous conversation with a peculiar girl changes his perception of the world. Her questions make him doubt the lies he was fed from a young age. …show more content…

People started producing more and more works of fiction, and thus consumed more of them. To meet the demand, books, films and plays were summarized into condensed versions reaching one-sentence descriptions. As a result, those who once had revelled in descriptive lengthy novels, stopped enjoying this new way of reading. At the same time, people claimed that the content of certain literary works offended them and demanded their removal. In pursuance of new ways of controlling citizens, the government used this change in attitude as an opportunity to outlaw books altogether. Depriving people of access to knowledge made them more susceptible to influence and thus fulfilled the government’s despotic aspirations. As a person that relishes reading, I could strongly connect with fellow booklovers portrayed in “Fahrenheit 451”. They recognized and praised the power that books hold by giving us access to knowledge. In spite of our shared ideals, their strong dedication slightly surprised me. It is a wonderful thing to be able to sacrifice yourself for your ideals. The book also highlights the importance of literature which is connected with other common issues in such dystopians novels like free

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