Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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The novel “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury is a dystopian world where books are prohibited. Montag, the main character is a firefighter uhe lives with his wife Mildred and his job is to go to wherever books are found and burn them. In the story Montag met a girl named Clarisse. She was a girl that questioned everything. She wondered why people were so “weird” in that world. Clarisse got Montag to think about why they burn books. Montag started doubting himself and his life. He realized that he wasn’t happy, he had everything to be happy but he wasn’t happy. With time he started collecting books and eventually began reading them. He was scared he would get caught with books by his boss Beatty, but he eventually did. Beatty pulled the book …show more content…

In the story Montag is a fireman. His job is to burn books if found in houses. Montag felt pleasure to burn books. He never had read a book so he didn’t know what he was missing out on. Montag is walking home from work one day and he bumps into a young lady named Clarisse. Clarisse is a “weird” girl who questions everything in this society. “Do you ever read any t=of the books you burn? He laughed “That's against the law” pg. 12. Clarisse made Montag realize why is he burning books? He realizes that books tell stories and knowledge. In conclusion Montag has been hiding books and begins to read …show more content…

He realized that books carry knowledge and ideas. He began to feel scared and began to panick. He felt like a fugitive because he carried illegal information and it had to be kept in a secret. The firefighters had an alarm gone off but it was in Montag’s house. At the fire Montag had a big fight with his boss Beatty because he had found out the Montag had books in his possession. Montag burned his boss Beatty and the other firefighters. “You must remember burn them or they’ll burn you, he thought. Right now it's as simple that” pg 125. After burning his boss and coworkers Montag goes on the run and defends his books.he had to burn the people or else himself and the books were going to get burned. Montag was being chased by the police but he gets away in the river. Later that same night he met up with some “hobos” who in reality are educators and philosophers. He became part of the group and in the group everyone needed to become a