
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Wwtwdwb? What Would the World do without Books? In the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, we come as close as possible to really seeing what it would be like to live in a world where books are outlawed and some of the major consequences that one would have to endure should they be found with books in their possession. In this story a young and vibrant Clarisse tries to help Montag, a very confused fire fighter find his way in the messed up society they live in. After a series of events such as the old women taking a stand and burning her house, the shear terror people have about books, and a simple earpiece being shattered, a twist of events occurs with the head firefighter, Beatty, and Montag has to try and outrun the very people he used …show more content…

The government in this book is so strong and powerful that they cast an everlasting fear of books onto the people. This fear leads to the inevitable apprehension of books themselves. When Montag decides to show his wife his now very large book collection that he has gathered over the years she, "backed away as if suddenly confronted by a pack of mice..." (66). What is really troublesome is that the youth today is starting to look more and more similar to what lead up to the complete expulsion of books in Fahrenheit 451. This is very clear when Captain Beatty professes, "There was no dictum, declaration, no censorship, and to start with...minority pressure carried the trick..." …show more content…

And fire will lift you off my shoulders, clean, quick, sure; nothing to rot later. Antibiotic, aesthetic, practical.” This is a great example of the way something small can have a major effect on a larger scale. So many people in the world today worry more about their social media and texting than they do actually doing something productive with their time. Disturbingly, this very common habit is not frowned upon and yet is more a way of life. Thankfully, the technology in our society has not yet hit the magnitude displayed in this book, however, could Fahrenheit 451 give us a small look into what we have coming for us in the

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