Fahrenheit 451 Malvolio A Villain

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Malvolio was a villain, but a wrongly treated villain. He was not as bad as people thought him to be. He was mistreated by many people, including Maria, Sir Toby, and Fabian. This led to him being thrown into a prison. The mistreatment also lead to him being accused of being mad. This was all due to Maria, Sir Toby, and Fabian. Malvolio was treated immorally and subjected to harm by others. He should have been treated more kindly.
Malvolio was not the evil man everyone thought him to be. He was just misunderstood in many ways. Maria wronged him in more ways than one. If anything she is more evil than he ever was. Maria took Malvolio as a fool, and treated him like one too. She stooped down to the lowest levels, and played dirty to get what …show more content…

He was the creator of this plan that sent Malvolio to the prison. He did it because he was angry about the way Malvolio carried himself. He saw Malvolio as a young, stupid, and arrogant fool. He thought these things, because they had differing opinions and Sir Toby hated Malvolio for these differences. Some of his differing opinions were about Malvolio’s religious choices, and how he always followed what was in style. Discriminating against someone's religious opinions is just wrong and immoral. Malvolio was in love with Olivia. Due to the fact that Olivia did not like her uncle's drinking, Malvolio took it upon himself to step up and stop Sir Toby from drinking. He did this because of love, and Sir Toby thought it was just to spite him. This shows that Malvolio is the most misunderstood in all of the play. When Sir Toby goes to take care of Malvolio after Olivia sends him to her uncle, he tries to convince Malvolio that he is possessed by the devil. This is wrong for any human to do to another person. If anyone deserves to be possessed by the devil, it is Sir Toby.
Fabian has had his quarrels with Malvolio as well. Malvolio had ratted out Fabian to Olivia, when he told her that Fabian liked to go bear baiting. Fabian has never forgiven Malvolio for betraying him. Also, maybe he thought Olivia needed to know about Fabian, because he did not want her reputation to be tarnished if she had a servant who bear