Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper

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Tharsan Thanapathy
Mr. Devereux
18 October 2015
Guilt: A Feeling or Conscience
Guilt is part of our conscience, and since humans do not have the technology or knowledge to communicate with it, there is no true understanding of what is right or wrong. Therefore humans go on with our lives without any true understanding of the feelings of guilt. Every day people end up doing actions that they know is wrong and they may not feel bad about it, for example when you lie to get away with something. There is a variety of reasons why one would do this for, one may think they are doing the right thing by saying or doing it, they might lie to someone, or one might even be abiding the law or rules even though they know it is wrong. The law and …show more content…

This is a huge part in Fahrenheit 451 as most of the firemen don’t know what they are doing why they do it. The firemen do not wonder or question why they do this, and if they profession had a history, that was not destruction. Guy Montag was one of those ‘drone-like’ firemen until Clarisse McClellan, someone came along who had a connection with someone who knows the past and how the world was like before. She made montag question the world he lived in and if what he was doing was right. Like how society is lying to the citizens and everyone in Fahrenheit 451. This lying and deception is happening in the world people live in today. For example when the American government lied to their citizens about their place in the Vietnam war, they were told that the war was going well in their favor and how they will be victorious even though they were not. Once the real reports were leaked, people were outraged because they were lied to and misled, they supported a cause which was morally wrong. This could happens on a smaller scale too, you may have lied to a friend or family member about something and once they had found out what had happened and how you lied to them, it may be hard to tell them your