
Fahrenheit 451 Research Papers

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Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper In Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury describes a dystopian society where books are banned/ burned and technology controls the individual. The novel was written during the release of the television was released, the author uses literary devices in the novel to depict his interpretation of the mass media on the population. Ray Bradbury addresses the theme, mass media marginalizes literature, as problematic and possibly as the end of human imagination. Mass media, like television or ‘Seashell ear-thimbles’, in the novel functions as a book’s main enemy. The media causes people to neglect reading, eventually they lose their imagination and become figuratively dead. “His wife stretched on the bed, uncovered and cold, like a body displayed on the …show more content…

She has no mind of her own, if it isn’t a ludicrous amount of information being blared into her head, she won’t understand it. “What does it mean? It doesn’t mean anything! The Captain was right!” (Bradbury 72) Mildred’s angst about a book’s meaning showcases the problematic theme Bradbury is addressing, she is not able to begin to interpret what the words mean. Without books, the society lacks a certain imaginative characteristic and can only rely on what the media supplies them. The parlors aren’t able to ‘touch’ the characters’ minds, they don’t

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