Fahrenheit 451: The Lost Society

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The Lost Society Fahrenheit 451 a novel written by Ray Bradbury that takes place in the future where society has changed over time. The society views many events as it's okay or nothing happened. When in reality they are blinded by many things that don’t make them care. It has changed everyone and no one feels for anything anymore; it’s a fake life. The society in Fahrenheit is lost because they have lost all important key parts of life and care nothing about the passage of life. In the society, their life is full of technology. In fact, you can go as far and say that they live their life in technology. They want to be inside the house watching TV and never thinking; passive thoughts forever. It can be also they can entirely blank out the rest of the world by plugging their headphones.When the main character (Montag), wife (Mildred) is stale and annoyed in the morning she completely blanks him out. Stated by Montag, “ She was awake. There was a tiny dance of melody in the air, her seashells [headphone like devices] was tamped in her ear again and she was listening to far people in far places”(Bradbury 39). At this instant, …show more content…

They do many things that are not “fun” or inconsiderate of other people. When asked about this Clarisse responded with, “ They run us so ragged by the end of the day we can’t do anything, but go to bed or head for the fun parks to bully people around, break windowpanes in the window smasher place or wreck cars in the car wrecker place with the big steel ball”(Bradbury 27). From what you can see the youth of the society has gone completely insane. Destroying material things and also people by bullying them just for the fun of it. Again how do you do those acts of irresponsibility and inconsiderateness and still live their lives. How do you not wonder or even question what you’re doing is even slightly not reasonable. All things considered what the youth of the society is doing is immoral on so many