Faith And Science: Group Presentation Paper

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Faith and Science – Group Presentation Paper
The winner of the Iowa Republican 2012 Presidential Caucus, Rick Santorum, claims, “the Church has gotten it wrong a few times on science, and I think that we probably are better off leaving science to the scientists and focusing on what we’re really good at, which is theology and morality.” Although the Church is probably most reputable in theology and morality, many would claim the church cannot separate from science. But in fact, we need science for a more humanism approach to the world. Through discussing the logos of creation and how we must use science as a tool to interpret and care for Creation, Cardinal Ratzinger’s chapter from Introduction to Christianity and Pope Francis’s address to the …show more content…

In Cardinal Ratzinger’s chapter, “Faith and God Today,” he provides a detail account to help Christians understand the creation of the universe. In a world where scientific discoveries continue to be developed on how the world came to be, many Christians find themselves in a difficult situation. Yet, Ratzinger brings up many points on how we must understand creation through science. He begins by discussing the Greek word of Logos. The word literately translate to “word”, but it really means the ordering or rational principle behind the universe. When referring to the Bible, chapter 1 of the Gospel John explains what is the rational principle of our world. It reads, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all …show more content…

This issue helps show the connectedness of the two because it’s a human dignity issue. The Pope is concerned about climate change because people who are marginalized are the ones who are suffering the most. The promotion of human dignity has been a priority of the Church for years, and to promote the human dignity for all who suffer from climate change, we must turn to science. Politicians have claimed leave “sciences to the scientists,” “religion to the believers,” and “politics to the politicians.” But in a world burdened with so many problems, the three cannot be separated; an integrative vision has to be incorporated. In particular to science, not only does it help us understand God’s creation, but it also must be the key contributor in how humanity goes about caring for the