Faith In Night By Elie Wiesel

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The author shows how terrifying it was to be in the camps but also how faith can help you get through those tough times. Religion and faith can shape a person's form in different ways either a good or bad way. The book shows how these camps can use a person's humanity, and How it can affect their religion. Eliezer and his family got captured and taken to camps, while some died and others were injured. Eliezer had to use his faith in god to know they would come out alive even if he had second thoughts. Eliezer was born in Romania, His family along with other Jews got deported to the German concentration camp. Eliezer had faith threw god, he remained faithful to him while he was in the camps. Some people use faith to strengthen them because they feel gods presence and feel at peace. If you have strong faith, it will give you more confidence in the times you struggle and help you lift that burden off of yourself. In the beginning, Eliezer used the gods' peace and presence to protect them when they arrived at the camps. Eliezer even made a Thanksgiving prayer after arriving early at Auschwitz camp. …show more content…

Culture can help others better understand themselves and what kind of people they are or want to be. Some people have stronger cultures than others, Eliezer was a Romanian-born Jew. Faith can give you a concept of dignity and worth. Faith can be a strong aspect of people's lives, Eliezer used his faith in god to protect him. Then there was the part where Eliezer was questioning his faith. Even after the holocaust and after the camps he still questioned his faith in