
Fall Of The Roman Empire Essay

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As Rome began to falter, civilization was stained with the collapse of culture. However, Europe was still able to rise despite the contributing factors that ensued Rome’s collapse. There were several factors that led to the demise of the Roman Empire but Christianity became a stabilizing force, making peace and building new relationships and a hybrid state emerged allowing for the Carolingian Empire’s golden age and for feudalism to surface, permitting for Europe to rise without the physical state of Rome.
In addition to the intrusion of German tribes, Rome collapsed in the west due to several economic, political, and social factors. Rome failed to make any technological progress, it had an agricultural economy that was reliant on primitive methods of cultivation, people had to be as self sufficient as possible due to high prices. Rome had built expensive roads that were extremely cost inefficient people elected to maintain goods through the roads instead of sailing them across the Mediterranean which was cheaper, creating excessive taxation. and Some trade began to depress the economy since Rome had to pay in gold and silver for the silks and spices that they imported, mines were becoming worked out and coins were debased, …show more content…

Clovis had married Clotild, a devout Orthodox Christian and she was pressured by the bishops to persuade Clovis to convert. The church understood that in order to convert the Germans they had to convert Clovis first, so Clovis and three thousand of his men were baptized on the Rheims. The Bishop of Rheims told Clovis that if he listened to the advice of his bishops that his providence would remain strong. The church welcomed Clovis’ patronage and supported his military campaigns, it utilized the imperial tax and administrative systems to help augment his

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