
Fall Play: The Werewolf's Curse

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West Central’s Fall Play, The Werewolf’s Curse opening show is tonight at 7pm! It’s about Harry Pate, played by Jordan Goldhammer, who is an American student at the University of Lipsync. He is bitten by a werewolf cub while on a field trip. During the full moon, Harry grows hair and craves rare roast beef. So it’s off to Dr. Frank Einstein’s, played by Eli McMahon, to consult Madam Clara Voyant, who is played by Hannah Mitchell, where the doctor decided to make Harry a full werewolf he can sell.This hilarious spoof of 1930's horror movies also features a mummy, a vampire, a puny strongman, a belly dancer, and other members of a carnival group as well as seven villagers who are all played by the same quick changing actor, Daniel Greene.
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