Fall Prevention In Health Care Essay

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According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, between 700,000 and 1,000,000 people in the United States fall in a hospital each year. According to our reports, 20 of these falls occurred in our hospital last year. Research has identified risk factors for falling in a hospital, such as impaired balance, history of falling, vertigo, orthostatic hypotension, altered mobility, visual impairment, the use of certain medications, etc. Patients who fall are more likely to feel hopeless, become less confident, become depressed and more isolated socially, experience a loss of physical functioning, a loss of quality of life, etc. This is an issue that must be resolved as soon as possible because the safety and well-being of the patients in this hospital should be a top priority. …show more content…

In terms of the patient, a fall could result in lacerations, fractures, or internal bleeding. Thus, would also lead to the increase of health care utilization in this hospital. …show more content…

By doing so, we will be aware of whether or not our care is improving. We should also regularly assess our fall prevention practices and fall rates. Thus, monitor (1) falls per 1,000 occupied bed days, (2) checking for interdisciplinary participation in our implementation team, and (3) assessment of fall risk factors occurring in this hospital and the actions taken to reduce the fall risks. Measuring fall rates is the most direct measure of how well our quality of care is regarding