False Stereotypes And Misconceptions

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Believing in false stereotypes and misconceptions is like receiving a placebo, the person is under the impression that what they are receiving is real but in all reality it's not. Stereotypes are fixed ideas that are used to categorize a group of people. Misconceptions are incorrect views that are based on untruths. With such similar meaning, stereotypes and misconceptions are bound to be mistaken. Misconceptions and stereotypes originate from numerous different sources but a majority are seen in daily life. Movies, history and even certain people from the past may be the origin of these untruths and exaggerated truths. Whether it's the sad truth, exaggerated truth or not the truth whatsoever, these stereotypes and misconceptions have the power to truly affect the way people are seen, even while in a professional work setting. Although commonly seen in a negative light, male …show more content…

The most substantial stereotype is that all of these men are gay and extremely good looking. But with every career there will be men or women that are gay and good looking. So to say that every single male nurse is gay and good looking is extremely exaggerated. Another common stereotype is that these men are all extremely fit and are in the younger years of life. This may be true for some but, it’s not always the truth, making it an exaggerated truth. The most preposterous misconception is that male nurses aren’t as skilled as their female colleagues. This belief is formed from no truth at all, which is what makes it a misconception. A similar misconception is that male nurses are only male nurses because they failed at attempts of becoming doctors. This misconception is completely wrong and has absolutely no truth behind it at all. Although these misconceptions and stereotypes may not seem too bad to everyone, those who are being judged because of them know how low it can make one