Family Philosophy Statement Analysis

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After my research and readings of many articles on working with families within the educational spectrum, my philosophical statement and position of working with families is that home and school are both significant aspects in the lives of the young adolescents that we teach every day. For the students to be successful, you must have a three-way relationship between teacher, student, and family. In a past philosophical statement that I wrote in my undergrad program at Georgia College and State University, I wrote about my beliefs on being the best middle level education professional, which revolved around that my students, the relationship I build with them, their well-being, and my understanding of their needs are most important. I can grow …show more content…

We can see in “This We Believe”, an important aspect in middle level education is that “the school environment is inviting, safe, inclusive, and supportive of all” (Page 33). In This We Believe, it says that “a successful school for young adolescents is an inviting, supportive, and safe place- a joyful community that promotes in-depth learning and enhances students’ physical and emotional well-being” (Page 33). Creating a supportive and safe place for my students should not only be in my classroom, but in the school as a community. This We Believe also states that “The school actively involves families in the education of their children” (Page 40). Schools need to create an environment that supports parent interventions by building culturally responsive family and school partnerships. There should be two-way communication that shows that partnering with families is a priority and this communication should be productive. Garbacz states that “trust, sensitivity, and equality are all elements to healthy family school relationships and that is something that I stive to create in my classroom and the community around my