Family Therapy

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The procedures of individuals counseling for substance addiction is when the counselor sits down with the client one-on-one and examines the individual addiction problem and treatment options. In a private setting individual attending individual rehabilitation can speak in confidence for those who feel uncomfortable speaking in a group environment. Individual counseling allows the therapist to spend more quality time with one person, this way the patient and the therapist can dig further down into the client overall problems. Several more benefits to individual session is that if the client is pressed for time, he or she can schedule session around their calendar instead of trying to adjust their schedule to attend group meeting. And, if the …show more content…

Others in the group are exposed to these behaviors, and this often inspires and provoke and promote change in others in the group. According to M.U.S.E. (2018) it is mainly a support technique. Three objectives and goals for family therapy is to allow each person to have a say about the situation honestly. Family unit can discuss what is bothering them to help them understand the roles of each person in the home and identity how everybody can work through the dysfunction together to have a healthy functioning home. New behavioral skill is learned to correct negative behaviors in the home (M.U.S.E., 2081). And the three objective and goals for individual rehabilitation is that it can be used if there are dual diagnosis issues for example depression and hallucinations. Because it is a one-on-one chemical abuse session it helps the client learn how to take power of their own life and learn how to respond to difficult with nourishing coping skills. M.U.S.E. (2018) and individual therapy is useful in treating those struggling with addition that has mental health …show more content…

The group of substance abuse will interact regularly with other’s in the group who are able to understand their problems and then offer honorable support. Because, be that as it may addiction is a problem that isolates abuser. When people relapse, they tend to go back into seclusion. This reversion often makes the person feel embarrassed and humiliated which typically make the problem worse. For this reason, the relapse prevention plan for group therapy involves evaluation tests designed to help them recognize negative feeling and the way they look at their situation. The For example, everyone in the group will be asked to silently focus their attention on the negative thoughts. This method helps the clients clear their mind of opposing thoughts from their history or either anxieties about the