Theories Of Family Therapy

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Theories of family therapy assist in identifying problems within the family system as well as influence the assessment process including selecting goals and objectives for treatment plans. Bowen approach to family therapy focuses in the area of decreasing the level of anxiety within the family whereas Minuchin family structural therapy analyses the structure of the family system whereas all problems reside.
From the Browen approach to providing services to this family identified the problematic issues as family being reluctant to address the emotional part of their system. The clinician also recognized mother resents the father and daughter alignment because of her exclusion from this relationship. The goal of family therapy is reducing the level of anxiety; develop healthy emotional contact between members; and to cognitive restructure emotions so the thinking rather than the emotions determine patterns of behavior. …show more content…

Within this family system, the boundaries identified included daughter and father's connectedness whereas mother's involvement was limited. This alignment as well as the power structure lessens mother's ability to take an active role in the family system. The clinician focus his energy on the mother and daughter motivating them to change the structure of the subsystem. The presenting issue in the family session sets the stage for the intervention